Social Experiment

Yesterday, I busted out the blue wig. I got far less looks that when I go au naturale, but that could be because I was shopping at Japanese stores. Most people didn’t give me a second glance. One woman asked if it was my real hair.

Yes, this is really my hair.

In any case, I’ll bust it out a at least a few more times because it keeps my bald little head warm! πŸ™‚

On to the administrative item: my visit with Dr. Tewari last Thursday.

Side note: The man NEVER sits. EVER. I learned a few months ago that one can receive a pelvic exam with the doctor standing up.

We’re fairly certain that the fever that landed me in the ER was due to the gemzar chemo, not an actual virus. I’m apparently on a higher dose than normal because I’m young and can handle it. I’ll naturally “de-dose” as my CA-125 counts go down and there’s less cancer. We do a full body CT the week after my full 3rd round. From there, we’ll see what progress has been made.

I almost wrote, hopefully, blah blah blah — but I stopped myself. Hope is all fine and good, but I KNOW that my results will be good and that the final 3 rounds will kill the microscopic bits of this bastard cancer. I have to keep thinking this way, or else the “what if” voice creeps in.

This may turn out to be a long term fight, but for now, I’m not considering that an option.

“Whatever comes, face it on your feet.”

– Lan (Robert L. Jordan, “Wheel of Time”)

17 thoughts on “Social Experiment

  1. What’s comin’ will come, and we’ll meet it when it does. -J.K. Rowling (Hagrid)

    While this is your battle to fight, no one has ever won a war alone. And we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! When you can’t be strong, that’s ok. We will be strong for you.
    And I and love and you.

    Liked by 1 person

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