Things & Stuff: July Edition

1. Health Status Report
I had a breast MRI last week. Kaiser farms this work out to a 3rd party since they don’t have the right set up (which is to lay face down with my boobs in separate holes, hanging). I forgot how LOUD NOISES MRI machines are, but it was painless and quick, less the IV for contrast. (I almost made it through July without getting poked.)

The results were clear. Yesssssssss. *fist pump*

I spoke with the breast specialist yesterday about the plan moving forward since prophylactic surgery is off the table (for the moment). I’ll do a breast mammogram in December/January & another breast MRI in a year. That way something is being done every six months. It’s scary to know that my chance of breast cancer is still a coin toss thanks to the BRCA1 gene. But onward we march.

Focus on what I can control and release what I cannot. Repeat to self.

2. Read any good books lately?
I recently devoured Love Warrior, though it was sent to me ages ago. Just as in other things in life, timing is everything. I don’t think I was “ready” to read it yet. In any case, it’s wonderful and I, as well as Oprah, recommend it!

You are not supposed to be happy all the time. Love hurts and it’s hard. Not because you’re doing it wrong, but because it hurts for everybody. Don’t avoid the pain. You need it. Be still with it, let it come, let it go, let it leave you with the fire you’ll burn to get your work done on this Earth.

– Glennon Doyle Melton

Another friend sent me a really fun fantasy series called The Circle of Magic. Four books highlight a different child mage and how they learn more about their unique powers, both individually and together. It’s an easy read (meant for ages 10-15, but so was Harry Potter) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Any recommendations from you that I can add to my pile of books?

3. Reset button
Kenji and I are headed to Kauai this Friday for 9 days in paradise. We’ve got a beachfront property on the East side of the island, near Kapa’a, and I cannot wait to get on island time. The slower pace of life is just what I need before returning back to full-time work in mid-August.

4. Returning to normal life
That’s right! I’m going back to work come August 21. I am so excited. Truly.

That’s all for now, folks! Will post some photos from HI while we’re there! You know, just to make you jealous keep you informed of the progress. ❤

8 thoughts on “Things & Stuff: July Edition

  1. Just finished: All the Light We Cannot See. Extraordinarily beautiful. No wonder it won the Pulitzer Prize.

    So glad Hawaii is only a few hours away. Aloha! xxoo.


  2. Sounds like life is good, for all definitions of the word good. And 9 days in Paradise…isn’t there a book with that title? If not, there should be. Soak up the sun and the sand and the ocean…dunno how you might feel about it, but learning about the goddess Pele while you’re there might be a good thing. I have found that when I’m facing adversity, Kali is my “go to” goddess. Not religion, just symbolism to allow our brains to find (better?) answers in new ways. Although it does sound like you’ve got things in order.
    And in the end, all any of us can do is to keep living until we die. Keep making each day count!
    Love and hugs and “bon voyage” for your trip!


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